>> 当前位置:首页 - 产品 - 化学试剂 - 其他化学试剂 - ProtoGel 蛋白凝胶(30%),价格,厂家,上海桑戈供
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价格要求: 面议
***更新: 2020-09-09 16:47:37
ProtoGel 蛋白凝胶(30%),价格,厂家,上海桑戈供
ProtoGel (30%) ProtoGel 蛋白凝胶(30%)
:1》80KD 分辨率略微强于Accu
:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
Optimized for SDS-PAGE of Proteins (Laemmli gels)
Consistently Crystal Clear Gels, Zero Fluorescence
Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
Catalog Number:EC-890
美国National Diagnosis公司是***个生产销售商业化***类溶液的公司(FASEB- 1986)。其蛋白和DNA胶产品线大量细化,覆盖各类专业特殊用途和仪器。ProtoGel 是其蕞经典和**的蛋白胶品牌,其优异的品质为无数专业文献所佐证。
MegOhm 去离子水配制, micron微孔过滤.
ProtoGel是蛋白质和多肽分离理想的电泳介质。溶液稳定即用,浓度为30%或40%,均由极高纯度的***/甲叉***制成, 其中的杂质几乎已被完全去除。溶液不含任何***成分,避免由其引起的电荷不均一导致蛋白条带拖尾。
National Diagnostics ProtoGel forms an electrophoresis matrix that is ideal for the separation of proteins and polypeptides. ProtoGel is a stabilized, ready-to-use 30% (w/v) acrylamide/methylene bisacrylamide solution (:1 ratio), manufactured from the highest quality materials, from which virtually all impurities have been removed. ProtoGel has zero acrylic acid content, eliminating the fixed charges that cause band streaking. Additionally, oxidation products such as aldehydes have been removed by a selective adsorption process. Aldehydes can attack proteins, altering the structure of the sample, and thus altering Rf values. With ProtoGel, you can trust that your results will be consistent one electrophoretic run to the next.
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